The moment I realized I wanted to change the world

I remember the exact moment I decided I wanted to impact the world. I remember it very vividly actually for it was a defining moment in my young adolescence. It was late at night at my aunt's house. I remember sleeping on the floor of our living room, reasons I'm not sure. The light from …


Like most twentysomethings, I am constantly on my phone and scrolling through my social media. Of course, I have the Holy Trinity: Facebook, to stay updated with old friends, maintain professional connections, and share articles that I find can be useful to others, Twitter, to stay updated with current events and interesting online articles, and of …

How feeling uncomfortable can be a good thing

No one likes to feel uncomfortable. That’s why it’s referred to as such. Most people are interested in remaining in their comfort zone while a few brave souls enjoy venturing out ever so often. Growing the realms of your comfort zone can bring you much excitement and success, especially if you utilize a Positive Mental Attitude …

Don’t tell me to lower my standards

With today's world of online culture and strong desires for instant gratifications, dating and relationships have completely changed. For better or for worse, it all varies on personal opinions and preferences. The rise of the hookup culture and postponed marriages has made loving relationships reserved for romantic comedies and fantasies. As a young, ambitious woman who desires …

An Open Letter to Jeanne & Nina

Congratulations to my girlfriends, Jeanne, for graduating college & entering the "real world", and Nina, for changing her world completely & moving to the West Coast. You both are about in embark on a new journey and I couldn't be more proud! This will be a jumpstart of the rest of your lives. I didn't say(/write) that …

Why do we stay with people we don’t like?

Every since I was a little, I found the interactions between boys and girls incredibly interesting. I was fascinated by how they manipulated each other to acquire a desirable outcome. What struck me the most was when I grew older, I couldn't figure out why certain couples stayed together when it was clear to both …